Saturday, April 02, 2005

Gregory "Goldie" Tynes

It was the year of the Rooster when Margaret and Greg Tynes had their second child of their union. They had a bouncing baby boy and they named him Gregory Tynes. Gregory was born the 16th, June 1981. Mr Tynes affectionately called "Goldie" because of the colour of his hair was a member of the Jr National Lawn Tennis Association.
Goldie loves playing tennis, and he had won numerous doubles and singles titles and he was also 8 ranked in the top 4 in both under 16 and 18 age groups. He spent his early years at the Temple Christian School before moving to Kingsway Academy in 1993. Whiles at Kingsway, Gregory has made the Honour Role every year and also have won numerous academic awards up to him graduating in 1998. He entered the College of the Bahamas in the fall of 1998 where he obtained an Associates degree in Biochemistry in 2000.
Goldie saw it fit that Education was a big priority in a young man life so he went on to the University of West Florida (UWF) where he graduated with a bachelor Degree in Molecular Biology in 2003. This young man is now Pursing a Double Masters in Biology and Applied Statistics at UWF. In his spare time away from his studies Goldie enjoys ceramics, sports, cooking and helping others in anyway possible. His future plans are to pursue a Doctorate degree and to come home (the Bahamas) and help with AIDS crisis and public issues. As the former President of the United States said “it is not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”, we see that Goldie has his heart in the right place.
You heard it first on this site folks, this looks like our future Minister of Health. To Mr Tynes on Behalf of Bahamas Youth we would say the road may not be easy but God has not brought you this far to leave you alone.
A Job Well Done.


At 5:48 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Gregory "Goldie" Tynes,

All I want to say to you is be encouraged! I will leave these words with you...

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. RWE

And I know you have it in you To succeed in whatever you do!


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